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If you have any questions, want to book a a meeting or know more you are welcome to contact us. The Law Firm Jessica Sandberg assists clients in Sweden and globally.
Advokatbyrån Jessica Sandberg AB is an agency specializing in Swedish and international family law and criminal cases. Jessica Sandberg is one of the most experienced lawyers in Sweden on international child abduction, as well as specializing in representing crime victims as plaintiff's counsel.
We combine competence with care and commitment for each individual client. For us, all clients and their cases are equally important. Attorney Jessica Sandberg has extensive experience representing clients who have ended up in difficult family law disputes and helping crime victims in difficult cases. The law firm Jessica Sandberg was founded in 2010 and is based in Stockholm, but takes on cases throughout Sweden and also assists clients globally.
Lawyer Jessica Sandberg has extensive experience in representing clients who have ended up in difficult family law disputes and helped victims in difficult cases.
We are a human rights law firm with a focus on Swedish and international family law and criminal cases.
Many of the cases we have undertaken have been both unique and complicated and have therefore attracted media attention.
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